Sunday, January 29, 2012

Derpy Lavalamp Song

Ever since I did a Collab With ParalaxMLP Ive been inundated with question about the soundtrack.  So heres the answer: I didn't compose the song it was taken from the soundtrack of WALL•E. Its called a "Temp score" in the industry and its done quite frequently in post production to get the feel of the score before you hire an expensive orchestra to play it. If you want the actual track its called "bubble wrap", I chose it because it had a playful yet inquisitive feel to it that fit Derpy Hooves perfectly, and played off her emotions.  

 I apologize for not updating sooner.  Right now Im on winter break so Im looking to get another song out before it ends.  After that it's school school school.  On my most recent work, some of the comments say that it needs to be longer.  And while I do agree that certain compositions need to be drawn out.  It takes a lot longer to make if you do a 10 min composition as opposed to a 3-4min composition.  That being said, if you guys want to wait 2 months instead of one for a composition I suppose I can look into doing a 10 min composition.

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